Sunday, January 30, 2011


Dear Weeb,

There is this horrible, horrible thing called Mini Pop Kids. They are a bunch of kids who sing current pop tunes. The original songs are SO much better, as pop songs go.

The problem is that they play commercials for Mini Pop Kids constantly one of on the TV stations you watch. This is the same station responsible for most of your birthday and Christmas MUST HAVE OR I WILL SIMPLY DIE requests. This is the same station that play commercials at ten times the volume as any movie or show that you happen to be watching.

You love the Mini Pop Kids commercials and have been singing every little bit of tune that you can remember. Not well. Not properly. But it's clear you really enjoy these songs.

Mini Pops Kids is evil. And when you are older you will be terribly embarrassed that you ever liked this garbage.

What you don't know yet is that Daddy and I are going to get the stupid recording for you and put it on my old iPod Shuffle for Valentine's Day (you are our little Valentine, after all). Then you can listen and sing to your heart's content.

Understand that I will continue to try and introduce you to GOOD music. However, I'm a firm believer that you like what you like. So go ahead and enjoy. I will continue to love you forever, regardless of this heinous enjoyment.


  1. I am loving reading these! I wish I had known about this little gem you've been hiding ;)

    So far Jackson loves the music that I listen to. He loves to sing to Yellow Submarine...can't beat the Beatles. And he always asks me to play the flower pot falls on your head song (Jaron and the Long Road to Love "Pray for You")

    *had to sign in with google account because my OpenID credentials could not be verified...booo*

  2. I only started this blog just before Weeb's 5th birthday and sort of updated backwards. LOL

    I thought it would be neat for her to see what was going on in her life now, when she's older. And now that she is a bit older, I have a bit of time to actually do it. :)
