Thursday, February 16, 2012


Dear Weeb,

Just a few notes on things you've talked about in the past couple of days.

Tonight, as you were brushing your teeth, you explained to Daddy that you believe cats have green blood. I'm not sure how this came up, exactly, though earlier today you were freaking out (and I'm talking downright hysterical) about a scratch on your finger and how you thought you needed a bandage because it was going to 'drip blood' all over your bed tonight. The fact that it was not dripping blood at the time was not helpful in calming you down over the matter. We talked again about logic and how if your finger wasn't dripping with blood now, it wasn't likely to start dripping blood later and that your body was doing its job of healing itself as it had already started scabbing over. I appeased you with a little, round bandage (which fell off about an hour later) and you were happy again.

Last night you announced that we shouldn't eat meat anymore. "Those poor cows!" you said. You were not quite clear on what meat was, aside from 'cow'. I explained that there are cows mostly for milk because we like milk and milk is used to make lots of other things like yogurt and cheese. I explained that once the cow was very old and it was time to say goodbye, THAT was when they got turned into 'meat'. Yes, I lied. There's stuff you just don't need to know yet. You wanted to know if people got very, very hungry, would they eat another person, because, "WE'RE meat, ya know!" I told you that most creatures do not eat their own species. You asked me what a species was. I never realised it would be so difficult to explain the world to a curious kid. Between not exactly knowing answers, not knowing exactly how to answer questions and trying not to laugh, parenthood has been quite an experience! You announced, "I feel like I'm a vegetarian." Okay. I asked if you knew what that meant and you said you didn't and asked what vegetarians ate. Somehow, and I don't quite remember how, the topic changed and didn't come up again, so I let it go.

You are a truly amazing kid. I'm so lucky I get to be your mum. I love you, Stinker.

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